Daily Archives: April 26, 2012

Bring the Books and Above All the Parchments

So wrote Paul to Timothy in his second letter. The text was brought to mind during a listen to an interview Dr. Albert Mohler had with Robert Darnton. Among his many positions and roles, Darnton is the director or the Harvard University Library. Which means his daily duties surround many books. The primary reason for the interview was to discuss Darton’s book “The Case for Books: Past, Present, and Future” (New York: NY Public Affairs. 2009). 

With the the future of the “codex” (from “The Gutenberg Bible” to “Tuesday”s With Morrie”) seemingly defunct due to digital media, the two men discuss Darnton’s book and the future of the traditional book. I really recommend this podcast to anyone who has a love for books and the future of books.

The Fate of the Book in the Digital Age: A Conversation with Robert Darnton

Soli Deo Gloria!


Would Jesus Have A Facebook Page?

I stumbled on this article by Michael Horton in My Feedly today. I thought it was interesting enough to share. Below are some excerpts from the article. But please click on the links provided, and read the article in it’s entirety. Are we really going down this road as a church?

Technology should ultimately be an enhancement, not a replacement, for gathering in person for worship, discussion, debate and service to others.

You can have a digital Bible in the palm of your hand or connect with others in prayer any time anywhere.

Contrary to the propaganda of the techno-evangelists, the Internet cannot bring people together, bodily, to make them a communion of saints. It can deliver data, even crucial information about God’s Worrd, but it cannot deliver Christ with all of his benefits.

Would Jesus Have A Facebook Page?